Fur and Feathers-Instrumental Album

Fur and Feathers is an album of instrumental music available to stream on Spotify, Apple Music and other services.  For more info click through.

The music on Fur and Feathers is a mix of jazz and classical influences. I play guitars and synthesizers on the tracks and have written the parts for the other instruments.
Track listings and player credits are below.  I want to especially thank the other musicians listed.
12 tracks, 41 minutes
Pussy Cat Dues (Mingus) 2:48
Innocent as Alex (Thomas) 3:11
Old Dog Blues (Thomas) 3:19
My Foolish Heart (Young, Washington) 4:39
Nica’s Dream (Silver) 2:38
Nocturne for Two Guitars (Thomas) 2:48
Spanish Dove (Thomas) 4:04
Reflections (Monk) 3:22
Jelly Bones (Thomas) 5:12
Fabricating Midnight (Thomas) 3:44
The Dream of Now (Thomas) 2:47
Hope (Thomas) 2:48
Daniel Thomas (guitars, synthesizers)
Michele Fortunato (trombone, track 1)
Silvio Centamore (drums, track 3)
Jacob Slous (drums, track 5)
Jim Thomas (guitar solo #2, track 9)
Vernon Norwood (drums, track 9)
Maciej Placej (double bass, track 11)
Brian Walsh (clarinet, tracks 11 and 12)
Recording and mixing: Daniel Thomas

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